The first pregnancy loss is not only sad and scary, but it can also be confusing. Barring any complications like an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage that happens in the second trimester, or a still birth your doctor may not do much. First miscarriages, especially if they are in the first trimester, are not seen as anything to worry about because they are so common.
Miscarriages can happen for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons for a miscarriage are:
- Chromosomal abnormalities- Probably the most common reason a miscarriage occurs is because the baby is not able to develop properly because of chromosomal abnormalities.
- Thyroid disorders- Hyper- and hyp0- thyroidism can lead to recurrent miscarriages due to hormones imbalances.
- Diabetes- Uncontrolled diabetes are usually the culprit in this case.
- Autoimmune diseases- Some autoimmune diseases can cause recurrent miscarriages, although research is slim on this topic.
- Physical complications- Uterine disorders, polyps, or incompetent cervix.
- Blood clotting disorders- Uncommon but possible.
To read more about the possible causes of miscarriage click here.
Unless you have a known disorder or infection, more than likely your doctor will not do any workups to find out the reason for your first miscarriage. Most doctors, especially if you are on Tricare Prime, will not do any sort of testing- if you are a healthy female in reproductive age- until you have had three miscarriages in a row.
Once you have hit that magic (or not) number of three, doctors will begin to examine you for reasons as to why this may be happening. If you are sticking with Tricare Prime, your options are limited. Fertility specialists are few and far between, and you may have a rough time getting correct information from a regular OB/GYN because they don’t specialize in this information. You may be able to get a referral to local fertility clinic if your MTF does not provide the services you need. With Tricare Standard you will have to get a referral from your civilian care provider and contact Tricare to be sure that you will be covered. Here are a list of Military Treatment Facilities that have fertility clinics:
- Wilford Hall, Lackland Air Force Base, in San Antonio, Texas
- Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, HI
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD
- Naval Medical Center in San Diego, CA
- Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA
Tricare is limited on what they cover in terms of fertility. They will cover all of the diagnostic care, including testing, medication, and corrective reproductive surgeries for females and males. They will also cover hormonal treatments, HCG shots, and radiation therapy to determine the cause of infertility.
However, much to the dismay of many military families, Tricare does not cover IVF or IUI treatments. Some of the fertility clinics above, although military, do offer these services but you will be paying out of pocket to receive them. Some of these services can cost an upwards of $10,000 even when working through the MTF.
To read more about your Tricare benefits coverage in regards to fertility treatment, check out the following resources: