I’m not a parenting expert or a relationship one. But I am thirty years old with two children and a lot of people around me who genuinely love me. They’re friends who I know I can count on for anything. I’m sure there are a bunch of people out there who can’t stand me too…but I am just a person navigating life, making mistakes, doing things right, and asking questions all while trying not to judge others. And I think you should do the same, because it feels great.
Just because I don’t agree with another mom in the neighborhood about something doesn’t mean I need to say nasty things about her; I can continue doing what works for me and she can continue doing what works for her…and hopefully we’ll both get to the finish line (is there really such a thing in this game we call life?) we will have both raised happy, healthy, strong children. And we’re sharing the bond of being military spouses, because it is a bond unlike any other. We cannot go to war against each other; we need each other for support during the tough situations the military may throw at us down the road. So, hopefully you’re not judging me right now and hopefully we’ll both make it through the day without judging the other moms around us, while still staying strong to our own values and opinions. Good luck!
And no…I’ll never reveal whether or not I believe the “cry it out” method works. Never. Because I don’t feel like being judged today 😉
Read Next: Parenting Through Deployment