Suck it up, buttercup.
Here’s the deal: As a military spouse, you will inevitably make certain sacrifices. Yep, I’m throwing it out there, the holy grail of milspouse cuss-words: “Sacrifices.”
There will be people who deny that living and working around the constraints of the military lifestyle doesn’t change a thing. There will be people who smugly proclaim, “you knew what you were getting into,” if you dare admit that you (temporarily) gave up your career goals to move across the country with your beloved.
Homegirl, say “nay” to the naysayers; it’s true, your life does change. You will move to places that put you completely out of your comfort zone. You will spend countless days missing the one person who makes this new place your home. Your family and friends will be hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away. You might apply for jobs that were never, ever in the golden ten-year-plan.
Just make sure that the difference between you and Moaning Myrtle two doors down is that you suck it up, embrace the change, and make the best of this life, despite the fact it doesn’t look a whole lot like the one you imagined for yourself. You’ve got this.