Book Giveaway: A Duke Is In Your Future!


There is nothing we love more here at Kensington than helping people discover their new favorite author. Giving someone a book they truly love and enjoy is one of the best feelings there is so we’ve decided to spread our love of books as far and wide as we can. Kensington will be featuring giveaways on this page exclusively for the Military Spouse Community. Hand-picked by our staff, these giveaways are some of our favorite books. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

Win a Copy of The December 2019 Book Club Pick!

Sexy and fun, the third Sin & Sensibility novel sends the youngest sister from a prominent Nevada mining family off to navigate London society in hopes of snagging a Duke at a time when “new money” was closed out of America’s east coast society. New York Times bestselling author Betina Krahn delivers an irresistible romance shimmering with light-hearted wit and thrilling twists…

Enter To Win a book bundle of Anyone But a Duke in theRafflecopter below!

This giveaway will be open until 11:59pm on November 30th 2019.  USA and Canada entries only. 10  Winners will be selected!

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