Going back to school is a commitment for anyone, but especially for military families. You have to consider a portable, in-demand career path and a realistic learning format. Plus, you only get the MyCAA scholarship once and don’t want to waste it on an incompatible school.
It’s a lot to consider – but we’re here to make the decision a little easier.
In 2019-2020, schools of every shape and size earned the Military Friendly Schools designation, including many online training programs like MedCerts for example. These schools were surveyed and evaluated for their ability to best serve military students; it’s a great place to start your search.
To narrow it down to the perfect choice, we’ve compiled the four must-have traits of a military-friendly school.
1. MyCAA Eligibility
First and foremost, make sure the schools you apply to are approved to accept MyCAA (My Career Advancement Account). This scholarship is for spouses of servicemembers in certain ranks. It offers up to $4,000 toward education in portable, high demand industries like IT or healthcare.
It’s a great benefit and depending on the school, you could pay nothing out of pocket.
How to check: Spouses can visit the MyCAA Scholarship Spouse Portal online at https://mycaa.militaryonesource.mil/. Create a profile and find out which institutions are MyCAA approved.
Note: if you plan on using MyCAA funds, you’ll need to create this profile to apply. Doing so now can save you time in the long run.

2. Flexibility
The possibility of moving every few years shouldn’t stop you from going back to school. Just make sure you find a portable program that can easily travel with you. Additionally, make sure your coursework is accessible everywhere. An online program allows you to complete your program anywhere in the world, especially since deployment orders can come at any time.
How to check: Before enrolling, ask about time commitment expectations and coursework format. For example, a weekly commitment of 15 to 20 hours should be manageable even with a busy life. Digital learning portals keep all your program materials in one place for on-the-go learning.
3. Student Support
Everyone needs a support system to provide motivation during their education. You want to have someone to turn to anytime to answer your questions and validate concerns. Find a school that wants to help you succeed.
How to check: Before you enroll, get a live person to answer questions about enrollment, classes and curriculum. Also, ask about support during the program, a personal advisor to help with coursework and provide moral support should be standard for any education.

4. Plentiful Resources
Even online schools should provide career resources. To make a successful transition from college student to employee, you’ll need career coaching and experiential learning opportunities.
How to check: Ask questions. Explore your future institution’s website. Live chats, experiential learning information, financial aid resources and career services are all necessary for success.
Gather All the Details Before You Apply
While it’s normal to be excited about going back to school, thorough research is important to make sure you are well-supported throughout your learning. And don’t be afraid to ask questions.
As you start your research, keep the above four characteristics in mind. Military friendly schools will have an understanding of your lifestyle and goals, not just an interest in taking your money.