Meet bestselling author Madeline Hunter!
Learn all about her writing process, her favorite romance tropes, and where she stands on a very important debate.

So read on for some behind the scenes info exclusive to Military Spouse!
- How long does it take you to write your books?
From conception to final draft, it takes about seven months. That includes plotting the story and doing any research that is needed. I’m not including in this time the changes that my editor might suggest. I almost accept her advice and make the changes, because she sees things that I miss due to my being too close to the story.
- What is your favorite part of the writing process?
The actual writing is the best part, although I can go down the rabbit’s hole when it comes to research. However, sometimes when I am writing I am so totally involved in it that the world on the page becomes the only world for me. Writers call this being in the “zone” and when it happens it is a glorious experience.
- What advice would you give to your younger self about writing?
Just write. Don’t write for publication at first. Just enjoy the stories and the process of creating them and let it flow. Writing is the best way to learn about writing. It is far more effective than going to classes or taking workshops or reading books, although all of those are very useful. But without the actual writing, they are pointless
- Do you have a favorite character trope to read? What about write?
My favorite trope to read is the Arranged Marriage trope. It has a different structure than most other romances, because the marriage comes before love. In real life it worked out badly for many couples, but in romances it doesn’t and that journey of mutual discovery, and of falling in love with one’s spouse is very special. For writing I do like the Enemies to Lovers trope, in part because it comes with a built in conflict when most tropes do not. As a result, books with this trope tend to come together more quickly than others for me.
- Do you do any hands-on research for your books? Have you had a favorite experience?
If by hands-on you mean making the rounds with a midwife in order to understand Davina’s medical experiences, no. Most of my research is through books and academic articles. I have had experiences that ended up being the inspiration for books, however. For example, years back I drove down the Amalfi coast in Italy and saw the old Normal lookouts built to watch for pirates. I tucked that memory away and eventually I used one of those towers in one of my books.
- Where do you fall on the bookmark vs dog-ear debate?
Well, we can’t dog ear digital books, so that debate has been won since so many read digital now! But back when we all read on paper, I was a bookmark person. Only I never had a real bookmark when I needed one, so often I just used a facial tissue or a scrap of newspaper. (I’m classy, huh?)
To connect with Madeline, visit her website. And to get your own copy of NEVER DENY A DUKE, click here!