Having good credit is absolutely essential for financial success. It affects everything from interest rates to job hunting to how much you pay for car insurance. For service members, it can even affect promotions and security clearances.
If you have poor credit, it’s in your best interest to address it and work on solutions as soon as possible. That can be an overwhelming task, and many people don’t even know where to begin. That’s why Pioneer Services created the Credit Repair Kit. It provides financial resources, smart tips, and realistic ways to take control of your credit.
The Credit Repair Kit is a free PDF you can either download or print. It includes easy-to-follow tips and tools to help you understand and potentially improve your credit, prioritize and possibly reduce your debt, and put you on the right financial path.
Credit Repair Kit
It’s easy to get in over your head, and sometimes difficult to get out. The goal of the Credit Repair Kit is to help you take the first steps toward establishing or repairing your credit and guide you through the process in simple terms. It contains several checklists – broken out into phases – filled with actions you can take immediately. It also contains tons of information focused on helping you understand and potentially increase your credit score, and even tips to help you reduce your spending.
While Pioneer Services cannot guarantee the Credit Repair Kit will give you a better credit score, it will give you a better understanding of the factors that either negatively or positively affect your credit profile. Ready to get started?
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Credit Reports: Your Financial Report Card
It’s important to monitor what’s happening with your credit so you aren’t surprised by what you discover later on. The reporting agencies listed below keep information about your credit. For more information on obtaining a free credit report, visit AnnualCreditReport.com. Each agency allows for one free credit report per year – or more, depending on your state of legal residence.
Call: 1-800-685-1111
Mail: Exquifax Credit Information Services
PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374
Website: https://www.equifax.com
Call: 1-888-397-3742
Mail: Experian National Consumer Assistance Center
PO Box 2104, Allen, TX 75013
Website: https://www.experian.com/
Call: 1-800-888-4213
Mail: TransUnion LLC Consumer Disclosure Center
PO Box 1000, Chester, PA 19022
Website: https://www.transunion.com/
You’ll need the following information to obtain your credit report:
- Full name, including any maiden names
- Spouse’s name (if married)
- Complete current address/phone number
- Previous addresses for last five years
- Date of birth
- Social security number
- Signature
- Current employer information
This story is presented by Pioneer Services, the military division of MidCountry Bank, which has provided award-winning financial education to the men and women of the Armed Forces for over 30 years.
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