I stumbled into this stay-at-home mom thing; I was in the Navy myself when I met my Sailor. My mom worked, so I had no one to model myself after. But here is a list of things (in no particular order) that I have learned along the way. I hope that they might help someone else!
1) If you are giving up a career to stay at home, brace for shock. Your professional identity will disappear amid the diapers, laundry and dirty dishes.
3) Stop spending money like you are still making it. You are not. Your spouse might be, but the funds will dwindle crazy quick if you aren’t careful.
4) You might have stopped working for a company, but you still have a boss -your significant other. Don’t underestimate how much his or her disapproval will sting. Get ready to have some significant conversations about expectations and feelings.
5) Adult conversation – how you will miss it!! Be sure to get it wherever you can – the supermarket, with the neighbor, on the phone, or even Facebook.
6) Nothing will compare to the security of knowing that you will be there for your kids when they need you; not the babysitter, not grandma, not anyone else.
7) The wonderful beauty of the knowledge that you will be there for it all: the first steps, the first words, the first sentences…everything!
8) Not having to shuffle things in your schedule to make appointments. You’ll have the time!
9) The opportunity to discover childhood again, through the eyes of your children.
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