Meal Planning Simplified

It doesn’t matter if you’re heading a large family or trying to make sure you don’t eat popcorn and wine every night while you’re spouse is deployed, meal planning can help. Not only does it save money when you’re creating a comprehensive shopping list before heading to the store on an empty stomach but you are also more likely to make healthier choices when you know there is a time crunch at dinnertime.

1. Stock up on supplies.


I’m not talking about groceries. I’m talking about recipes, Tupperware, planning binders. The tools that you need to make this whole process easier. If just the idea of looking through a cookbook makes your head spin and you wouldn’t know where to begin making a weekly organizer for meal ideas that you find, then hop on Pinterest. There you can find board after board of freeze-ahead meals, crockpot cooking ideas (my favorite!), and meal planning printables that will get you going in the right direction.

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Katherine Gauthier:
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