No Comparison
My one fear in writing this article is that someone will take my words and twist them in such a way that they might feel I think my position is superior to that of a person completely content with their identity being first and foremost that of a military spouse, parent, etc… That’s simply not true. There is no better than or worse than for me in this. We all have our own unique truths about ourselves and our purpose in the world. Some of my closest friends are people who identify very closely if not primarily with their military spouse role. They are amazing women who have accomplished a great deal. They’ve helped me find opportunities, and they’ve helped me feel a little less like an imposter in this whole military spouse role.
I just know that I can’t be the only one who feels like she’s faking the funk when it comes to this whole military spouse thing. Right? Who knows, maybe we all do on some level. So here I am letting my own cat out of the bag in the hopes that someone else might read and relate.
So tell me… Do you ever feel like the world’s worst military spouse?
(In a weird twist of irony, I have to tell you that as I finish this article, I have a lasagna baking in the oven for one of our fellow Marine families who just had a baby. I guess I’m not a completely lost cause for the Milspo community after all.)
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