Operation Gratitude: A Movement of Gratitude and Support for Those Who Serve

In the wake of the devastating events of 9/11, the desire to stand alongside those fighting the war on terror was palpable across the nation. At the time, Carolyn Blashek, a then 46-year-old mother of two, felt this call deeply. Her initial impulse was to join the military, but age restrictions prevented her from pursuing this path. However, her passion to contribute to the cause persisted.

Carolyn found herself volunteering at the military lounge at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). It was there, in March 2003, that a poignant encounter altered the course of her life and sparked the birth of something remarkable – Operation Gratitude.

One day, a soldier approached Carolyn, his burden heavy with grief and loneliness. He was on emergency leave from a war zone to bury his mother, abandoned by his wife, and mourning the loss of his only child in infancy. Uttering words that pierced Carolyn’s heart, he confessed, “I’m going back over there; I won’t make it back this time, but it really doesn’t matter because no one would even care.”

In that poignant moment, Carolyn Blashek had an epiphany. Amidst the chaos of conflict and the noise of battle, what soldiers need most is the reassurance that someone, somewhere, cares deeply about them as individuals. This realization planted the seed for Operation Gratitude.

From its humble beginnings of assembling just four care packages, Operation Gratitude has blossomed into a movement that has delivered over 4 million packages since its inception in 2003. This impressive growth is a testament to the unwavering commitment of Carolyn Blashek and countless volunteers who have joined hands to express gratitude and support for those who sacrifice so much for their country.

As the holiday season approached this year, the anticipation was for around 10,000 requested care packages. However, in light of recent events both at home and abroad, the demand surged, doubling the expected number. Operation Gratitude stepped up to meet this increased need, preparing over 20,000 care packages for shipment, demonstrating the crucial role they play in supporting our troops and veterans.

Operation Gratitude operates through five programs, each designed to touch different facets of the lives of those who serve. From providing care packages for deployed active duty members, first responders, military children, and recruit graduates to extending support to veterans, wounded heroes, and caregivers, their reach is comprehensive and deeply impactful.

The core essence of Operation Gratitude is the facilitation of meaningful ways for grateful Americans to express their appreciation to these brave individuals. It’s not just about the care packages; it’s about the tangible demonstration of gratitude and solidarity from the larger community.

However, meeting this heightened demand isn’t without its challenges. Operation Gratitude has set an ambitious year-end goal of $300,000 in support raising to ensure they can continue their mission effectively. Every dollar contributed brings them closer to achieving this goal and makes a significant difference in the lives of those who receive these care packages.

It’s easy to underestimate the impact of a care package. Some might consider it a luxury, while others might perceive it as inconsequential. Yet, the heartfelt truth is revealed through the words of recipients themselves. They express how valued and cared for they feel because someone intentionally wanted to say “thank you.”

Operation Gratitude invites grateful patriots, individuals, and corporations alike, to stand alongside them in this endeavor. The call is for financial contributions, volunteer engagement, or simply spreading awareness about their cause. Each act of support, regardless of size or form, contributes to the collective effort of expressing gratitude and support for those who have sacrificed so much.

For those eager to contribute or learn more about Operation Gratitude’s mission, visiting www.operationgratitude.com is the gateway to making a difference. Additionally, following @opgratitude on social media platforms provides an opportunity to engage, stay updated, and spread the word to a broader audience.

The power to make a meaningful difference lies within every individual who chooses to support this cause. It’s a chance to honor those who serve, to bridge the gap between gratitude and action, and to ensure that those who sacrifice for our freedoms know that they are deeply appreciated.

As we approach the season of giving and reflection, let’s remember the unsung heroes and the sacrifices they make. Together, as a community united in gratitude, we can amplify Operation Gratitude’s  impact and support those who serve with unwavering dedication and selflessness.

Megan Brown: Megan B. Brown is a seasoned military spouse, mother of four, and military missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of MilSpo Co.- a military nonprofit focused on the intentional discipleship of today's military community. Throughout Megan's journey as a military missionary, her ministry has been recognized with the Air Force Lifetime Volunteer Excellence Award and has earned her the 2016 Armed Forces Insurance Keesler Air Force Base Military Spouse of the Year Award. Her mission is to recruit, raise up, and release military connected women to live on mission for Jesus. Her books, "Summoned" and "Know What You Signed Up For" have been released by Moody Publishers in Chicago. She lives in south Mississippi with her husband, MSgt Keith Brown, and their four energetic kiddos. To learn more or connect with Megan, visit www.milspoco.com.
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