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Elf on the Shelf has just reached new heights — probably around 5″10′, if we had to guess. A human man in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada has been dressing up as the popular Christmas character for some serious photo ops, and it’s the most definitely the best, most terrifying thing we’ve seen all Christmas season.
Megan Wynberg has been using the hashtag #FLEontheshelf to chronicle her husband Joe Wynberg as he turns himself into a life-size Elf on the Shelf for each of the 25 days of Christmas. From what we can tell, it looks like he’s been found everywhere but a shelf. We’re not entirely sure why they’re using the hashtag #FLEontheshelf instead of #ELFfontheshelf, but we can only assume FLE is Elf’s bigger, weirder distant cousin who uses his Christmas power to delight and terrify children and adults.
After 11 days of shelf-ing alone, Megan decided to grab herself a lady elf costume to join in on the fun. And we’re glad she did, because all of it is incredible.
Here are some of our favorites:
Day 3: When you gotta go, well… you gotta go
Day 3 #FLEontheshelf
— Megan Wynberg (@MeganWynberg) December 9, 2015
Day 4: Angel wings were probably a good idea at first…
Day 4 #FLEontheshelf
— Megan Wynberg (@MeganWynberg) December 9, 2015
Day 5: See? Kinda terrifying
Day 5 #FLEontheshelf
— Megan Wynberg (@MeganWynberg) December 9, 2015