‘Tis the Season For Identity Thieves

Christmas is coming, but now is the time to think about taxes. Taxes are due around April 15th. In recent years, identity theft related to taxes and personal information has increased.

Unfortunately, identity thieves keep changing how they operate. A common tactic used by some identity thieves is to send in tax returns with other people’s social security numbers on them. Businesses must send your W-2 to you in January, but they do not have to send the W-2 to the IRS until the end of March. Identity thieves make up tax returns with their bank account numbers on them. They collect refunds, and they have your money by the time you notice. Then you must try to explain to the IRS why you submitted a second tax return. 

Here are some helpful tips to avoid having your tax refund stolen or some scoundrel using your identity to file an inaccurate tax form. 

  1. File your taxes early. This is especially useful if you are receiving a refund. By filing early, you may thwart identity thieves. If you owe taxes, you can wait to pay them until later but still do it before the filing date.
  2. Be wary of free tax filing services. If you go to a free tax filing service, ensure they are legitimate businesses. Many businesses spring up in January and are gone in April, often with your valuable information, which they use at a later time. You can also use www.militaryonesource.mil for an online tax program. You may have to pay for your state’s e-filing, but that is easier and better than mailing everything.
  3. Never open an attachment to an email unless you have confirmed it is legitimate.
  4. Never provide personal information to any email from the tax software.
  5. Never download software updates that are provided in any email. Updates will come from the website, not in an email.

When you prepare your taxes, always protect your personal information, especially your w-2 and social security number. Make sure that your firewall and security software are up to date. Use strong passwords on e-filing and any tax program. Once you are done filing your tax return, copy it to a CD or a flash drive, then remove it and the program from your computer. 

If you get a refund, have it electronically transferred to your account. If you are mailing in your taxes, make sure that you mail your return at the Post Office. Receiving a refund in the mail is very risky as identity thieves can watch mailboxes. If you must receive a refund in the mail, have it sent to a PO Box, not to the mailbox at your home.

Christmas can be joyful, fun, or stressful. Yet tax time can be even more stressful. By protecting yourself against identity theft and preparing early, you can reduce your stress. Follow these simple tips and have a safe, less stressful tax season.

Jennifer Wake is an Army wife, mother of three grown children, teacher, and writer. She loves mentoring military spouses, especially chaplain’s spouses who serve sacrificially. Her various passions include writing books and blogs, developing training material, networking with women, and quilting. She resides in Bristow, VA, with her wonderful husband and two dogs. www.jenniferwake.com

Jennifer Wake: Jennifer Wake, the AFI 2023 Ft. Belvoir Military Spouse of the Year, is an Army wife, mother of three adult children, Bible teacher, and accomplished writer. She is a chemistry/physics teacher by trade, an Accredited Financial Counselor by interest, and a writer/speaker of God’s Word by His calling. She is married to an Army Chaplain and has served in chapels in various locations from Germany to the Mojave Desert. Over the past 25 years, she has made a home for the Wakes 14 times and persevered through her soldier’s multiple deployments. God has called her to mentor military spouses, especially chaplain spouses who serve sacrificially. She loves connecting with moms of all ages and stages of life. Her various passions include writing books and blogs, developing Bible training material, networking with women all over the Army, and professional quilting. She volunteers with Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) wherever she is stationed, and travels to military bases with IGNITE PWOC training teams to train women in the history of PWOC, the foundations of chapel ministry and presenting the Gospel. She also serves with Planting Roots, a ministry for military women by military women. She currently resides in Virginia with her wonderful husband and her loyal dog where she particularly enjoys her quilting room.
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