Let’s talk briefly about what who I like the call the “desperate seeker.” Desperate seeker searches endlessly through personal posts UNTIL – OK, I found a post that is so totally “D” worthy and re-posted it!! *heart pounding* Did the admin approve it? YES! I got approved! Now *rubbing hands together* let the “likes” roll in for reassurance this will gain community approval in the bully sites for my delightful catch of the notorious “D” word.
I say “D” word because the people that invented the word dependapotumus have already gotten lazy with the syllables and now its down to “dependa,” My hope is they will inevitably become so lazy with “D” it will evaporate the term all together. Hey, a girl can dream right?”
Just to pose the question I have been DYING to ask: What makes you automatically OUT of the “D” zone? A certain age? A job? Never have children? Never marry a military guy in a military town? Don’t marry your high school sweetheart? God knows my grandma met my grandpa met when they were 14. He joined the Marines and Navy when they were in their teens and had six kids, but in today’s time she would have been a “D.”
I met my husband in a military city and I was a “local.” Signing up to be alone is the secret benefit package they always talk about right? I know it isn’t pay cuts, base housing to save money or wait what else am I missing? Falling in love with a military member is hard enough whether you do it at 18 or 30 and I love when people say, “You knew what you were getting into.” I mean, didn’t you? I respectfully educate them by responding,” That’s like buying car insurance and expecting to know how to feel in an accident.”