I jumped into my husband’s F150 on a Tuesday afternoon, and while I was dancing in the driver seat, I was also fist pumping out of the sunroof to Florida Georgia Line. In that moment, I couldn’t help but notice and giggle at the faces from oncoming traffic through base. I felt proud of myself, proud for finally ridding myself of my PJs and successfully getting off the couch that had become my bed after my husband deployed.
I put on my big girl pants and headed to the beach to work on writing my book. As soon as I felt happier than I had in days, I was immediately met with a huge smack of “what if.” What if those people on base weren’t happy for me but laughing at me? I instantly feared judgement from well, everyone I could possibly imagine. Thoughts started swirling about about how bullies stalk personal sites for people’s info and/or take pictures in public to post in groups so they would gain the most popular and “liked” update.
I slumped down in my seat, although nothing had actually happened in the world, you would have thought everything came crashing down with just the realization it could have. What if someone took my picture being “happy” in a sundress on a Tuesday and used ME as an example? Then it hit me, I could write more of my book but then I realized I needed to write about you, yes you bullies.