I’m on my 5th PCS, I’ve played on 14 tennis teams in five states. And when we move again, my first phone call will not be to find a house or school, but to find a new tennis club and team to play on. Tennis players are little cult members, a strange sorority. I’ll be accepted into their world sight unseen because I love the game of tennis. It’s that simple. And if we move back to a previous assignment, I know there is a spot on the team waiting for me.
I can take tennis (and sex) with me to every assignment and through each deployment. Through my husband’s last deployment, I secured babysitters for my tennis matches before I would secure them for childless grocery shopping. Grocery shopping was one thing on a long list of daunting tasks that had to be done. However, playing tennis was for me; for my mind, body and spirit. And because I’ve found my passion, I’m a happier wife and mother, too.
Tennis may not be your thing, but I know you have a passion for something, some sport or hobby. Whether it’s bowling, running clubs, cross fit, music, zumba, Pinterest groups, singing, billiards, dancing, animal rescue, horseback riding, volunteering or politics – find your slice of happiness. For the most part, you’ll find “your niche” in every community through clubs, organizations, churches and associations.
Make time for yourself, invest in something you love, something that belongs only to you that has nothing to do with being a military spouse. You won’t always be a military spouse, but you will always be YOU. Starting investing!