As women, I feel that we should all just be a little easier on each-other. The beautiful thing about being a woman is that we’re all uniquely able to empathize with and support each other if we want to. After all, let’s be real here, there are a lot of things that every woman faces that no one other than another woman can understand. We understand that there is still an equality gap in the workforce and an ongoing battle to be taken just as seriously as a man. We understand the fear and pain of childbirth, as well as the joy and fears that come along with having a child. We understand the drive to want to be perfect or different than the way we are, and the constant battle to accept and not compare ourselves. We also understand the pressure to fit into society’s view of what a woman should be, from being a certain size to being expected to have or want children, and we all to some degree understand what it feels like to not fit into that “perfect” mold. What’s more, is we even all understand how horrible and demeaning it feels to be judged. So why are we not supporting each-other more?
I guess what I’m saying here is maybe next time you’re in the middle of making that snap judgment or assumption about another woman, stop yourself and try to get to know her instead. Be a little kinder to other women and be a little kinder to yourself. After all, we’re all in this together and just imagine how amazing it would feel if we were able to bond as women and support each other instead of demeaning each other. We’re all beautiful, we’re all different, and all our experiences and choices are relative to us. Imagine how much more amazing all of our lives would be and how much more powerful we as women would be if we chose love and empathy towards each other over judgment.