6. How vs. What You Say
Sometimes we hear about that milspouse who lost it on their spouse’s commander. Or about that spouse who keeps calling the company. You know the type, that spouse who causes the phone to just keep ringing because they recognize the phone number. Then there are spouses who have a fantastic relationship with the commander, the one who’s opinion is asked for and actually valued. Did you ever guess that both spouses may share an opinion? The big difference here is HOW they opinion is expressed. Treating people with respect goes a long way. It truly makes the difference. Asking questions about WHY something was done the way it was done may get you an answer that makes sense. I can honestly say I’ve tried both ways and asking a question got me so much further. I usually have a good relationship with my husband’s commander and it makes my life so much easier. I’m able to ask questions and get real answers. And sometimes, they even ask my opinion!