10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence

We all experience moments when we doubt ourselves and feel that our goals are impossible. Since these moments are unavoidable, it is important to focus on rebounding to renew your confidence quickly. When it comes to achieving goals, confidence is a necessary component of success. In fact, you don’t just need confidence—you need efficacy! Efficacy means you are confident in your ability to succeed. I want to see you succeed so I pulled together 10 simple tips to boost your confidence based on my personal experience and my client’s experiences with successfully rebounding when they had lulls in confidence.

1. Do something new and scary.

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Ride a roller coaster, travel solo, or take on a new project at work. Step out of your comfort zone and get your blood flowing. A fresh challenge will remind you that ‘you still got it!’

2. Find a few inspirational idols.

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From Bill Gates to Jessica Cox, there are many inspirational people who break the boundaries of what most people think is impossible. Find a few that inspire you to do the impossible.  

3. Scan your old emails and notes.

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Just like riding a bike, it all comes back quickly when you get back on the seat. Going through your old notes will help reassure yourself that you will be peddling quickly again when that next door of opportunity opens for you. 

4. Tape up some inspirational quotes.

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I have one on my desk right now… “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”—Henry Ford 

5. Scrap the negativity.

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Even if you are a realist, you need to let go of those negative thoughts that are weighing you down. Focus on the positive or find ways to turn those negatives into positives. 

6. Write down your accomplishments.

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This one is a major confidence booster! Create a running list of your accomplishments. Treat it as a living document refining it over time. Don’t discount anything–just write it all down. 

7. Revisit your goals.

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We live in a world of change. Perhaps your goals are not the right goals at this time. Think through you goals. Perhaps you are giving up on some of them, you are simply postponing them so you can focus on the right goals, right now.

8. Ask for a recommendation.

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How great do you feel when someone gives you a compliment? Ask your bosses, colleagues, or friends for a recommendation–you may be surprised by the wonderful things they say about you.

9. Take a walk.

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Studies show that exercise enhances a sense of well-being and creative thought. It also provides a sense of accomplishment. Set your physical body in motion and you will experience the benefits in other areas of your life. 

10. Dream bigger.

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When it is so easy to get stuck in the doldrums of the demands of every-day life, it is especially important to dream. Dream about your passions and your ultimate goals. Reconnect with yourself so you can find your path and achieve your dreams.

Michelle Aikman, NCRW, an Air Force spouse, is the Lead Career Management Consultant for Skilled Assets. Every day, she helps professionals from all industries and levels change their perspective from impossible to possible.

Michelle Aikman: Michelle Aikman is the founder and Lead Consultant of Skilled Assets, a premier career management and corporate consulting business. She's also one of only 38 Nationally Certified Résumé Writers worldwide. The NCRW is the premier industry certification upholding the most stringent standards for quality in mechanics, strategy, and formatting. With extensive “in-the-trenches” experience navigating the job market as a military spouse and engineer, she is an advocate for the military community and people with complex situations like major career changers and people with paid work gaps. Michelle promotes proactive career management and strategic career transition techniques so people can have the type of work that is truly fulfilling and fits with their life. She also works to transform the hiring market, helping employers recognize, capture, and retain high-value talent who are often overlooked for all of the wrong reasons. Find Michelle on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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