Op-Ed Pieces Adding Fuel to the Fire
Some of the recent divide came from the Task and Purpose article entitled, “Military Families Need To Get Over Their Sense Of Entitlement”. Reading between the lines, I get what the author has to say. But if we want to point out all the wrong in the world, we’ll all have a lot to write about. The truth is most military spouses don’t fit the dependa bill.
Some of the first comments on the Task and Purpose author’s Facebook page, both from his friends and fellow servicemembers disagreed with him, saying, “I must say that most of this is a load of crap and probably why you are single now” and “Short final behind an aircraft carrier is less stressful than being in a minivan full of kids. True fact.”
Many military spouses have founded amazing organizations which help veterans, just look at the Semper Fi Fund. Military spouses are also integral to the volunteering on the base supporting the military units, charities, schools, and other programs which would fail without their efforts. Look at the number of military spouses who speak up to preserve benefits for active duty and veterans! They have given a voice to those who cannot speak.