2017 Home Depot Orange Honors $10,000 Scholarship | Top 10 Essays

We had so many amazing entries come in this year – it was nearly impossible to determine a winner. Before we announce the grand prize winner of the $10,000 scholarship, we’d like to share with you the top essays that are vying for the prize!
As always, a HUGE thank you to The Home Depot; without them, none of this would be possible.
THANK YOU to ALL who took the time to share your stories. We read each and every entry and are truly humbled by your lives and your passion for our military community.
Congratulations to the top 10! One of you will be receiving the $10,000 Orange Honors Scholarship to help you continue the journey toward the career of your dreams.
Read Emily Worobey‘s Story

Read Chanta Starkey‘s Story

Read Emily Morales‘ Story

Read Marc Hamon‘s Story

Read Julia Kyser‘s Story

Read Christina Miller‘s Story

Read Taylor Watkins‘s Story

Read Whitney Jones‘ Story

Read Travis Baumann‘s Story

Read Stephanie Bureau‘s Story


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